Category: Beverages
Rating: 4.00
Servings: 1


1 water
1 tea leaves
1 spices: some cloves; cardamom (squeeze the who
1 milk
1 sugar
1 ginger (optional)
1 peppercorns (optional)

Directions: How to Cook Indian Milk Tea (Chai) #06

I joined some lessons in cooking indian food in germany. we produced the chai in the following way:

Bring water to boil. add tea lives (any low quality black tea as BOP) and reduce heat (don't switch off). Add the spices: some cloves, cardamom (squeeze the whole nut a little before adding), cinnamon (stick, not necessary). cook slowly for one or two minutes. add some milk (not too much, about 100ml/1l tea) and cook a little more. Then pass all through a sieve. Sugar on your own taste.

I didn't see any chai with ginger yet, but i think you can also add stripes of ginger with the spices. I sometimes add some peppercorns, too. You can add the spices (not the tea leaves) to the cold water, too.




From archives. Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe Archive,

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