Category: Curries
Rating: 4.40
Servings: 1


2 dried red chilies
25 gm (1 oz) coriander seeds
15 gm (1/2 oz) cumin seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
15 gm (1/2 oz) black peppercorns
2 fresh curry leaves
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground turmeric

Directions: How to Cook Madras Curry Powder (Indian Curry)

A fragrant, fairly hot curry powder, which is used to flavor lamb and pork dishes.

Remove the seeds from the chilies. Dry roast the whole spices until they darken. Leave to cool, then grind to a powder. Dry roast the curry leaves in the pan for a few minutes, then grind and add them to the mixture with the ginger and turmeric, blending well. in an airtight jar, the powder will keep for 3-4 months.

Source: Jill Norman "The Complete Book of Spices" Viking Studio Books, 1991 ISBN 0-670-83437-8 The book is lavishly illustrated with full color photographs of the herbs and spices- whole, mixed, ground.

Recipe by: Jill Norman * Web File 4/97 Posted to MC-Recipe Digest V1 #615 by "Mary Spyridakis" on May 16, 97

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