Category: Curries
Rating: 2.71
Servings: 4


2 tablespoon ghee or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon garlic puree
1 tablespoon curry paste or mild curry powder
3/4 pint curry gravy(recipe follows)
2 teaspoon tomato puree
1 teaspoon salt
1 curry stock(recipe follows) or wate; r

Directions: How to Cook Mild Curry Base

1. Heat the gee, and stir-fry the garlic for 1 minute. 2. Add the curry paste (or powder made into a paste with water), and stir-fry for 2 minutes more. 3. Add the curry gravy, using less if you want a dryish curry and more a liquid sauce. Stir-fry for a couple of minutes then add tomato puree and salt. 4. To obtain the waterness you require, either add akhni stock or water to taste. (You may need to add a little oil as well to keep the correct texture.) 5. Add your principle ingredients - 1 1/2 lb for 4 people and when hot serve.

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Very good




Very Poor

Related recipes:
Navarattan Curry
Curry Powder #5
North Almond Pistachio Saffron Curry Sauce
Ball Curry
Kreung Gaeng Masaman (Muslim Curry Paste)