Category: Vegetables
Rating: N/A
Servings: 4


10 new potatoes, halved
12 baby carrots
12 baby courgettes(zucchini)
2 tablespoon corn oil
15 baby onions
2 teaspoon chilli sauce
1 teaspoon garlic pulp
1 teaspoon ginger pulp
1 teaspoon salt
400 gm canned chick-peas
1 (garbanzos), drained
10 cherry tomatoes
1 teaspoon crushed dried chillies
2 tablespoon sesame seeds

Directions: How to Cook Spicy Baby Vegetables

1. Bring a medium pan of salted water to the boil and add the potatoes and carrots. After about 12-15 minutes, add the zucchini and boil for a further 5 minutes or until thr vegetables are just tender.

2. Drain the vegetables well and set to one side.

3. Heat the oil in a deep round-bottomed frying pan (skillet) or karahi (wok) and add the baby onions turn golden brown. Lower the heat and add the cilli sauce, garlic, ginger and salt, taking care not to burn the mixture.

4. Add the chick-peas(garbanzos) and stir-fry over a medium heat until the moisture has been absorbed.

5. Add the cooked vegetables and cherry tomatoes and stir over the heat with a slotted spoon for about 2 minutes.

6. Add the crushed red chillies and sesame seeds as a garnish and serve.

Compiled by Imran C. With Thanks to Mum 8^) Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V3 #183

From: "I. Chaudhary"

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