Category: Salads
Rating: 2.00
Servings: 6


1 text only

Directions: How to Cook Stuffed Cucumbers

Serve this pleasant and unusual entree with sprigs of watercress dipped in a well-flavoured vinaigrette.

Cut three green cucumbers in half lengthwise. Scoop out and discard the seeds, then hollow much of the cucumber flesh out to leave green shells. Chop the flesh and put it on kitchen paper to drain. Mince or chop finely 150 g smoked pork loin or ham and 35 g bacon. In a bowl, combine this mince with the cucumber flesh, 150 g lean minced beef, 20 g crushed garlic, 75 g chopped shallots, 50 g chopped parsley, a generous tablespoon of chopped fresh tarragon, 1 tablespoon paprika and salt and pepper. Break two eggs into the bowl and stir the mixture until well- blended. Use to stuff the cucumber shells and bake the shells for 45 minutes in a preheated 200C oven.

Makes 6 servings.

From "Raw Materials" by Meryl Constance, Sydney Morning Herald, 12/29/92.

Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; February 17 1993.


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